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April 30, 2006

Jeep Tour in full swing

I am happy to report that Jeep Tour 2006 is in full swing. Louisville was only suppossed to be a "starting point" since I needed to come here on business (I won't bore you with the details), but what a great way to start a trip.
Last night we found "Fourth Street Live," an entertainment complex full of bars, clubs, and restaurants. We had a couple of beers and appetizers at the bar before heading down to the river front area for a fun seafood dinner at Joe's Crab Shack.
Although the weather forecast was not so good for today, we decided to roll the dice and head to the Louisville Zoo. It was a great relaxing day for us and the animals....and the weather held out too. The skies broke wide open just as we left the zoo parking lot...lucky for us.
Lunch stop was at Karma Cafe´, and the screaming babies at the next table made me feel bad karma right from the start, but luckily the karma changed when the screamers left and food came. Grilled Veggies in a Pita and Lentil soup, both were superb...and the eye-candy was pretty good, too. Two thumbs up to Jason.
After visiting a couple malls, we decided to take a short break and wait for my buddy Don to arrive. (His flight just landed and he is on the shuttle now).
Here's hoping that the good karma stays with us for the rest of the night, cause I think we're heading to the casino after dinner.. C'mon 17!.
JP and Lemur 2006.JPG

Posted by earlnjp at April 30, 2006 06:40 PM


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