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May 04, 2006

Sabino Canyon...I made it!

Today was a monumental day for me. I'm not really an emotional guy...I tend to keep that stuff to myself.
Today will be the exception, because today was a great day for me.
Since we had some time to burn today, we decided to re-visit Sabino Canyon in Tucson.
We previously visited this spectacular canyon back in 2003. On that first visit, we took some great photos...all from within the very safe distance of less than 1/2 mile from the visitor center. And even though I would never have admitted it at the time, I was exhausted after that short stroll.
Well today was a completely different adventure. You see, back in February I decided to try to get get my weight down and get a little healthier. A run to the ER with an accelerted heart rate and high blood pressure was part of my wake up call. After knocking off the first 20 pounds, JP and I joined the gym and I have worked my way up to 90 minutes and approx 5 1/2 miles on the treadmill everyday.
That effort paid off today as JP and I hiked a difficult 6 plus miles of terrain. It was an emotional hike for me, as I never would have attempted this 6 months ago. I have to admit that i was apprehensive, and when I had a chance to bale out at the 1 mile marker JP would not let me quit. And inspite of my one tumble on the trail, I am proud to say "I made it!" JP took some pictures of me with his camera. I'll see if he will post them. In the meantime, here are the my photos of Sabino Canyon. The one here is of a lone cactus that I named "The Conductor" because of the way he was leading nature's music in the canyon.

The conductor.jpg

Posted by earlnjp at May 4, 2006 11:17 PM



Posted by: Thom at May 5, 2006 12:14 PM

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