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May 11, 2006

What's in a name?

If you've been keeping up with our trip, you know that we've visited some really great places over the last two weeks....it has certainly been a dream come true for me. Today was basically a day of reflection as we drove the nine plus hours across flat, flat, flat South Dakota and Minnesota. I'm NOT complaining at all (in case you sensed that), afterall, I did get to add a new state to my list today. This is my first time in Minnesota. So far on this trip I have added the following new states... Texas, South Dakota, Montana and Minnesota. That means I've now been to 42 of 50. Not too shabby, but I still have a ways to go.

But I digress, the name of this entry is "What's in a name?" And the reason I ask that question is because of yesterday's visit to Devil's Tower...the first US National Monument. You see, Devil's Tower is a spiritually significant location to many Native American Tribes, including the Cheyenne. The funny thing is that nowhere in Native American folklore is it called "Devil's Tower". The Cheyenne call it Grizzly Bear's House. As a matter of fact, four different Native American tribes refer to this holy ground with a reference to a bear....so what's the deal? I admire the Bear, and I agree with the Cheyenne. So I will remember this wonderful site as Grizzly Bear's House.

Grizzly Bear's House.JPG
Grizzly Earl.JPG

Posted by earlnjp at May 11, 2006 11:50 PM


Earl? Earl? Where are youuuuuuuuuu?

Posted by: Thom at June 7, 2006 9:59 PM

I like Grizzley bear house too. And that's one big bear living in there.

Posted by: Pete at March 5, 2007 11:05 PM

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