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May 10, 2006

Dreams fulfilled

On days like today I have to pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming. Fulfilling a life long dream like visiting Mount Rushmore brought me to tears today. Tears of joy! Walking through the exhibition hall and reading the history...and closing my eyes briefly and placing myself back in time...Looking at the four faces and feeling the greatness of everything they represented that is god about the USA was breath taking. The thing that brought me the greatest joy was having someone to share it all with. To share my dreams, my experiences, my hope and my joy. This photo from JP is like a postcard. While it is spectacular, it will never give me the same joy that these Together photos give me. Tomorrow we start heading back home...together, wherever we go!

Mount Rushmore May 2006.JPG

Posted by earlnjp at May 10, 2006 11:04 PM


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