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April 16, 2006

Modern Day Don Quixote

This entry is a tribute to JP's passion, his naive idealism, and his romanticism. Today, we went for our Easter picnic and walk...and on a whim I made JP pose for these silly pictures. It wasn't until I actually looked thru the view finder on the camera that I realized why I needed these pictures... You see, one of the things I most admire about JP is that he is still a romantic. Where as I am more of a cynic or a skeptic, JP still believes that good will conquer evil, whether in business, politics, government or personal relationships. If you read his blog, you also know that he still believes in the super-hero mantra of truth, justice, and the American way. So these photos are a tribute to my lover...for his romantic vision and his naive unworldly idealism. He is a modern day Don Quixote, and I hope he never changes...


Posted by earlnjp at April 16, 2006 03:48 PM


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