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May 08, 2006

Colorado Rockies

Oh my God, what a roller coaster ride thru Colorado today....and when I say 'Roller Coaster" I mean that in a good way. Thrilling, breath-taking, exhilirating, taking unexpected twists and turns. If it's a really great roller coaster, you immediately want to get back in line and do it again. Well that's the way to describe today's ride. From the calm morning breeze, to the snow capped mountains, to the winding canyon roads to the interstate highway. From the smallest coal mine town of Silverton to the big city Denver. From the Colorado River to the hot desert sun. "From the mountains, to the prairies, to the oceans white with foam"...OK, forget the oceans for now. If the pictures do not do it justice, you'll have the make the trip yourself. Here are two of my favorite photos from the day, you can see the rest by clicking here.

Who expected snow?.jpg
Colorado River.jpg

Posted by earlnjp at May 8, 2006 10:01 PM


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